Select Publications
Schenkel, K., Brownell, C. J., & Wargo, J. M. (accepted). Children communicating care through curiosity walks: Using scientific practices to cultivate knowledge about climate justice. Science & Children.
Brownell, C. J. (in press). “On the air with…”: Boosting youth-DJs speculative civic literacies on broadcast radio. Voices from the Middle.
Brownell, C. J. (2023). Constructing (ad)ventures in collaborative composing: Examining a case of (un)sanctioned play in the elementary literacies classroom. The Reading Teacher, 76(5), 631-639.
Brownell, C. J. (2023). Inventing expert in English language arts: A case study of critical literacies in a third grade classroom. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 23(2), 213–343.
Brownell, C. J. (2023). (Re)Sounding children’s worlds: Making the case for methods that tune in. In H. S. Yoon, A L. Goodwin, & C. Genishi (Eds.), Reimagining diversity, equity, and justice in early childhood education (pp. 109-122). Routledge.
Brownell, C. J. (2022). “COVID Taught Me…”: Examining child–radio productions in the COVID–19 pandemic. Children & Society. Advanced online publication.
Brownell, C. J. (2022). Navigating play in a pandemic: Examining children’s outdoor neighborhood play experiences. International Journal of Play, 11(1), 99-113.
Brownell, C. J., & Parks, A. N. (2022). When the clips are down: How young children negotiate a classroom management system. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 53(1), 5–26.
Brownell, C. J. (2022). Writing rights to right wrongs: A critical analysis of young children composing nationalist narratives as part of the larger body politic. AERA Open, 8(1), 1–13.
Brownell, C. J., & Wong, D. (2021). Troubling state (of) affairs: A critical analysis of a state-approved elementary field trip. Journal of Social Studies Research. Advance online publication.
Brownell, C. J. (2021). Children’s rhetoric in an era of (im) migration: Examining critical literacies using a cultural rhetorics orientation in the elementary classroom. Research in the Teaching of English, 55(3), 265-288.
Brownell, C. J. (2021). Writing as a Minecrafter: Exploring how children blur worlds of play in the elementary English language arts classroom. Teachers College Record. 123(3).
Brownell, C. J. (2021). Disentangling the possibilities, practicalities, and progressions of writing in the contemporary (digital) era. Theory Into Practice.
Brownell, C. J. (2021). Playing through tragedy: A critical approach to welcoming children’s social worlds and play as pedagogy. Bank Street Occasional Papers, 2021(45). Retrieved from
Wargo, J. M., Brownell, C. J., & Oliveira, G. (2021). Sound, sentience, and schooling: Writing the field recording in educational ethnography. Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 52(3), 315-334.
Brownell, C. J., & Wargo, J. M. (2021). Writing to transform: Promoting personal digital inquiry through cultivating critical literacy. Literacy Today (Newark, Del.), 39(2), 60-61.
Brownell, C. J. & Sheridan, D. M. (2021). Orienting our ears to creativity and community literacies: Examining adult-produced field recordings to understand culture in a living-learning community. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 64(4), 464-467.
Interested in reading more? Visit my page on ResearchGate, or access a copy of my current CV.
Recent Invited Keynotes and Plenaries:
Brownell, C. J. (2023, November 24–25). Children’s radio productions. [Invited keynote address]. Understanding COVID-19: Children and young people in pandemic times, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria.
Brownell, C. J. (2023, September 20). STEAM education, active learning, and climate change. [Invited keynote panelist]. Cultivating STEAM thinkers: Linking policy, research, and practice, Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
Brownell, C. J., Wargo, J. M., & Schenkel, K. (2023, March 18–21). Stories of environmental stewardship: Communicating nature-culture relations through guided interdisciplinary inquiry [Invited panel]. 2023 American Association for Applied Linguistics Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, United States of America.
Brownell, C. J. (2022, April 1). Multimodal learning the in the pandemic era: Challenges and opportunities [Invited plenary session]. The 13th China Education Symposium presented by the Harvard Graduate School of Education, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of America.
Brownell, C. J. (2021, October 6–8). World visions on literacy and transdiscipline [Invited plenary session]. 2nd International Literacy Congress presented by the Transdisciplinary Literacy Institute (ITRALI), Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.
Brownell, C. J. (2021, October). World visions on literacy and transdiscipline. Invited keynote panelist for the 2nd International Literacy Congress presented by the Transdisciplinary Literacy Institute (ITRALI), Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, JA, México.
Brownell, C. J. (2020, February). Creating Humanizing Research Collaborations and Narratives While Working Together with Communities. Invited keynote panelist for 2020 National Council of Teachers of English Assembly for Research Midwinter Conference.
Brownell, C. J. (2019, May). Exploring early digital literacy practices and creativity in early childhood classrooms. Invited keynote for Makerspaces for Young Learners: Exploring Digital Technology through STEAM Education, a SSHRC Connections Conference, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada.
Brownell, C. J. (2019, March). Tracing Intertextual Connections in Multimodal Composing: A Case Study of a Young Child’s Filmmaking in the Early Childhood Classroom. Invited keynote for Reconceptualising Early Childhood Literacies: An International Conference hosted by the MakEY Project, a Horizon 2020 European Funding for Research & Innovation (RISE) recipient. Sheffield, U.K.
Select Recent Refereed Conference Presentations:
Brownell, C. J. (2022, April 22–25). COVID–19 teaching stories: A critical analysis of narratives of teaching during a pandemic. [Paper presentation]. Division: K (Teaching and Teacher Education). Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, California, United States.
Brownell, C. J. (2021, November 19-21). Inquiry into (im)migration: A case study examining how children craft a stance on critical social issues [Virtual paper presentation]. One-hundred-first annual conference of the National Council for the Social Studies, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States.
Brownell, C. J. & Wong, D. (2021, November 19-21). Day at the museum: Indigenous representation in early social studies re-examined [Virtual paper presentation]. One-hundred-first annual conference of the National Council for the Social Studies, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States.
Brownell, C. J. (2021, November 18-21). Learning to ‘Be Loud’ through radio broadcasting: Examining how children use digital literacies to amplify community stories [Virtual paper presentation]. Annual convention of the National Council of Teachers of English, Louisville, Kentucky, United States.
Brownell, C. J. (2021, April 8-12). Dissonant by design: Examining dual-lens video in qualitative research [Virtual paper presentation]. Division: D (Measurement & Research Methodologies). Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Orlando, Florida, United States.
Brownell, C. J., & Rashid, A. (2021, April 8-12). Cultivating a critical curriculum through children’s literature: Examining conversations about race & equity in the early childhood classroom [Virtual paper presentation]. Special Interest Group: Social Studies. Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Orlando, Florida, United States.
For a complete list of conference presentations, please download my CV.
Recent Media Appearances & Digital Work
Invited Speaker. (2022, April 18). Play literacies. [Video podcast episode]. Participant alongside Beth A. Buchholz, Kimberly Lenters, Karen Wohlwend, and Haeny S. Yoon. In Inquiring Minds: The AERA Writing & Literacies SIG Podcast. The Graduate Committee of the Writing & Literacies Special Interest Group of the American Educational Research Association.
Invited Speaker. (2022, February 16). On reading, writing, and the dissertation/job process. [Webinar]. Participant alongside Sandra L. Guzman Foster & Stephanie Anne Shelton. The Graduate Committee of the Qualitative Research Special Interest Group of the American Educational Research Association.
Interviewee. (2021, June 26). “The struggle is real”: Parents and experts reflect on a tumultuous school year. CTV News.
Invited Speaker. (2021, May 4). The return of Nathan (Live with Cassie Brownell and Chris Moffett) (No. 6) [Audio podcast episode]. In Pop and Play. Teachers College, Columbia University.
Interviewee. (2020, March 13). “How to talk to kids about the novel coronavirus without scaring them.” Global News.
Invited Speaker. (2019, May 10). Listening with children to explore the sonic landscapes of schooling [Video]. DigiLitEY Methods Corner: Methodological Issues in the Study of Young Children’s Digital Literacies.
Invited Contributor. (2019, April 26). Broadcasting literacies on the local frequency: Using radio productions to amplify children’s community interests [Blog post]. International Literacy Association Technology in Literacy Education. Retrieved from:
Invited Speaker. (2018, October 22). From conference to manuscript: Demystifying the publication process [Joint webinar]. Participant alongside Kate Anderson & Peter DeCosta. The American Educational Research Association’s Language and Social Processes Special Interest Group & Second Language Research Special Interest Group.
Invited Contributor. (2018, June 22). Tuning in to the community: Using digital devices to amplify school sounds [Blog post]. International Literacy Association Technology in Literacy Education. Retrieved from:
Invited Contributor. (2017, August 18). Dismantling hate, assembling community: Growing a critical professional learning network [Blog post]. International Literacy Association Technology in Literacy Education. Retrieved from:
Invited Contributor. (2017, August 7). (Re)locating soundscapes of schooling: Learning to listen to children’s lifeworlds [Blog post]. SoundingOut!. Retrieved from:
Invited Contributor. (2016, October 28). “Reel” literacies: Student selfie videos as literacy engagement tools [Blog post]. International Literacy Association Technology in Literacy Education. Retrieved from:
Invited Speaker. (2016, October 9). Multimodal moments and making compositions move [Panel presentation]. Participant alongside Matthew Hall, Rohit Mehta, Jon M. Wargo, Troy Hicks, and Amber White. 4T Virtual Conference on Digital Writing: Teachers Teaching Teachers about Technology.
Invited Participant. (2016, April 27). HearMyHome: Exploring the soundscapes of networked teaching and learning (No. 496) [Video]. Participant alongside Jon M. Wargo, Paul Allison, and W. Ian O’Byrne. Teachers Teaching Teachers TV.
Invited Contributor. (2016, March 14). SO! Amplifies: #hearmyhome and the soundscapes of the everyday [Blog post]. SoundingOut! Retrieved from: